Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Funeral Markers What Do You Think Of Green Funeral What Do You Think Of Green Funeral?

What do you think of green funeral? - funeral markers what do you think of green funeral

There is an increasing tendency to be on this planet to "help green" as possible to preserve the planet. There is a new "trend" among the people for a funeral, to be totally green. with no embalming, no headstones, no tape, no grave liners, just you and a biodegradable substance is a hole in the ground. What is your opinion on this issue and considering you do it yourself one day? For my part, I think it's a good idea to go back to earth, just as nature has for us ... Worms as food.


apreston... said...

Yes, I think!

Silver Thunderbird said...

But in most places it is already illegal. contaminate groundwater. Second, to most places where the cremation of dental fillings for the reuse of metals removed. The amount of mercury still in your body after ingestion of small quantities is not enough food seems to harm the atmosphere. I also prefer to be burned.

auntypiz... said...

I hate the idea of death is disgusting and appalling. Next. . . . . . .

goldenpl... said...


Rowan said...

I like the concept ...

Bluebell said...

No, I think it is a "green zone" is not applicable. I intend to be burned, which is an alternative to green.

k97city said...

hmm. a Compost Pile
People? [] Passed.

Dude said...

No,,,, would be easier for their relatives, ,,,,, how it can still pay respect to you when you die, forgotten, this trend is that so-called "hardcore protest" to environmentalists, all blind; even if they conflict with the theme of the last rally.

Dude said...

No,,,, would be easier for their relatives, ,,,,, how it can still pay respect to you when you die, forgotten, this trend is that so-called "hardcore protest" to environmentalists, all blind; even if they conflict with the theme of the last rally.

Teresa said...

I want to be burned and my ashes to go! I feel so terrible to be buried there. You can not somebody's life, to be buried,,,, funerals or as another way to cash in pain Anothers type that may make embalming is at your relatives out of town, I see you!

May-Le said...

I'm sure my husband would go. You probably want a tree and shrub species planted.

Comment a little worm "frightened me. I think it will be difficult for me to know what happens to him.

As for me, I want to be cremated. It's quick, it's over. My husband will probably ask to return my fillings and crowns of the old. It may be sufficient to pay for the planting of trees. He really cares about the earth. (He cares so much, let me think of a green funeral, that I do not know the difference anyway) ..

I hope I'm in heaven, to do what I am sure he will forgive me if I get a green burial.

bob146 said...

His face, even after

reggieg said...

I think they should all go donate his body to a farm. Thus, not only biodegradable, but can also be used for research.

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